Research Access

Tuesday, June 26, 2018






I want to use this medium to express my profound gratitude to Almighty God for His mercy and protection over me and giving me the strength to put this body of work together.
I would like to appreciate the effort of my supervisor Mr. Salako Y.A for his guidance and support to the success of my project work and for his invaluable contributions to make this work a reality. I am saying thank you sir, may Almighty God continue to bless you and your family all through the days of your life.
I gratefully appreciate the effort of my HOD Mr. Adebosin, W.G and other lecturers like Mr. Ayanwole A.A, Mr. Chalrles, and Mr Adeyemi A.P, and Engr. Salako for their support and the knowledge they impart on me in this wonderful citadel of learning.
My sincere appreciation goes to my loving, caring and indispensable parents Mr and Mrs lawal and Mr Alao for the unconditional love, moral support, spiritual

 support they gave me. They taught and support me financially and spiritually in every way and they taught me to believe in myself through their faith in me. My prayer for the both of you is that you will live long to reap the fruit of your labor in good health and Almighty God give you heaven at last. (AMEN)
My appreciation also goes to my wonderful friends; Omotoprecious Ventures, Adetola, Adesanya, Adegbola, Rukayat , Omobolaji,

This study examines the factors affecting students’ academic performance in Financial Accounting in selected Senior Secondary Schools in Epe Local Government Education district in Lagos state. The population of the study comprised of all students in Epe Local Government area of Lagos state using a descriptive research survey design. Extensive literature review revealed that there was hardly available record on study of this nature in Epe Local Government area of Lagos state. A well structured questionnaire was the main instrument used to elicit information on the study. Using chi-square to test the hypotheses formulated at 0.05 significant levels. The study revealed that there is positive attitude to the learning of Financial Accounting and academic performance in the subject. Teacher’s professional background, experience and time allocated for Financial Accounting influence the students’ academic performance positively, while the use of instructional materials also enhanced the students’ performance in Financial Accounting. The study recommended among others that qualified, trained and experienced teachers should be employed to teach Financial Accounting. Students should be encouraged and motivated in order to improve their performance, they should take learning of Financial Accounting seriously as a means of making a living and not just for passing examinations. Also, there should be adequate facilities to enhance effective teaching of the subject. Thus, if all these recommendations are taken into consideration, it will reduce failure and also improve the performance of students in the subject.

                                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
Title Page
Table Of Contents
1.1  Background Of The Study                                                                    1
1.2  Statement Of The Problem                                                                    5
1.3  Purpose Of The Study                                                                          5
1.4  Significant Of The Study                                                                      6
1.5  Limitation Of The Study                                                                       8
1.6   Delimitation of the Study                                                                     8
1.7  Research Questions                                                                               8
1.8  Research Hypothesis                                                                                      9
1.9  Definition Of Terms                                                                              10
2.0  Overview of the Accounting Principles and Practices                          11
2.1 History Of Accounting In Nigeria                                                                  14
2.2 Nature And Purpose Of Accounting                                                     15
2.3 Types of Accounting                                                                                      16
2.4  Use And User Of Accounting Information                                          17
2.5 Importance Of Accounting                                                                             18
2.6 Equipment And Facilities Needed For Teaching Book-Keeping And

 Accounting And Accounting                                                                     19
2.7 Problems Affecting Accounting Education in Nigeria                                    23
2.8 The role of Instructional Materials in Teaching Financial Accounting 26
2.9 Methodology of Teaching Financial Accounting in SSS level               28
2.10   Equipment and Facilities needed for teaching
           Book keeping and Accounting                                                                  29
2.11   Qualification of Teacher Teaching Bookkeeping and accounting               30
2.12   Problems encountered in Teaching Book Keeping and accounting   31
2.13   Empirical Studies                                                                             31
2.14   Conclusion                                                                                        33

3.0 Introduction                                                                                          34
3.1 Research Design                                                                                   34
3.2 Population Of The Study                                                                     35
3.3 Sample And Sampling Techniques                                                       35
3 4. Research Instrument                                                                                      36
3.5 Validation Of Research Instrument                                                      36
3.6 Administration Of Instrument                                                              36
3.7 Method Of Data Analysis                                                                     37
4.0 Introduction                                                                                          38     
4.1 Presentation And Interpretation Of The Data Analysis                                 38
4.2 Discussion Of Findings                                                                        51
5.1 Summary of Finding                                                                                      52
5.2 Recommendation                                                                                  54
Conclusion                                                                                                 58
REFERENCE                                                                                             61
APPENDIX I                                                                                              63

1.1     Background to the Study
          The National Policy on Education (2006) defines secondary education as “the education children receive after primary education and before the tertiary stage. For the secondary education to achieve its goals, the policy emphasized that it shall be six years duration given in two stages: a senior secondary school stage and a senior secondary school stage; each shall be of three years duration.
          It further states that the senior secondary school shall be tution free, universal and compulsory. It shall teach basic knowledge and skills, which will enable students to acquire further knowledge and skills.
          Accounting is one of the subjects which is offered by the senior secondary school students.
          Accounting is a subject designed for the senior secondary school for students in the commercial department. It enables the learners to know how to keep records of business activities and have the necessary sub-skills needed to acquire further skills in their areas of vocational interest.
          The program was introduced into the Nigeria Secondary school curriculum in 1982 in order to address the country’s economic and technological deficiencies. Its objectives were to create an opportunity for students to have a broad understanding of business activities, their functions, inter relationships between business organizations, and to provide students with skills for processing information.
          Accounting can be defined as “the recording, analyzing, summarizing and interpretation of the financial records of an organization for decision purpose”.
          Every business requires some form of investment and a sufficient number of customers to whom its output can be sold at profit on a constant basis. It can be a profession, occupation or trade. It can also be a means of livelihood or profit, or an entity that engage in such activities.
          “Accounting is an educational process or context, which has it primary aim, as preparation of people for roles in enterprises, such roles could be as employees, entrepreneur, accountant, auditor, employer or simply as self employment” opined (Amao, 2007).
          Teaching can be defined as the passing of idea, knowledge, skills, attitude, beliefs and even feelings to someone that aim at bringing about certain changes in that person. It can also be defined as an act of imparting body of knowledge, ideas, and skills unto a person known as the teacher.
          Adesemowo Sotonade and Okubanjo (1998) define learning as the relatively permanent change in behavioral potentiality that occurs in learning environment as a result of reinforcement, practice and experience.
          In learning, an old behavior is modified or changed and a new one is established. It is hard to modify and difficult to change especially if one is not equipped to do so.
          However, the teaching and learning of accounting at the senior secondary school is faced with so many challenges like:

·        The Method of teaching employed by the teacher
·        The ability of the teacher
·        The attitude of the teacher
·        The experience of the teacher
·        Administrative policy of the school
·        The learning environment
·        Inadequate infrastructure and ill-equipped laboratories
·        Readiness of the teacher
·        Curriculum implementation
          As a result of the benefits derived from the study of accounting and the challenges faced in teaching of the subject, this study seek to find out how accounting is being taught at the senior secondary school.

1.2     Statement of the Problem
Generally, the performances of students  virtually in all subjects especially subject in calculation is poor. The failure of students in Financial Accounting has been a recurring problem in secondary schools. This has an adverse effect on the subject teacher and the accounting profession since the performances of the students are yard stick of measuring teachers success and quality. The researcher is aware of the fact that poor performance of students in secondary school is associated with problems such as poor preparation of students toward examination, Students lack of study or reading habit, lack of student awareness of a subject career and prospects, lack of good orientation by student and view of the subject, environment problem. The aim of this research is to enhance the factors influencing students’ performance in Financial Accounting in Secondary Schools in Epe, Lagos State with a view to improve the situation.
1.3     Purpose of the Study
The objective of this study is to appraise the factors responsible for students poor performance in Book-keeping and Accounting in Secondary Schools with a view to identify the contribution of these factors and possible solution to the problems.
The specific objectives are to:
i.                                           Identify the effect of professional background of Book-keeping and Financial Accounting teacher on students academic performance.
ii.                                         Determine the effect of time allocated to Book-keeping and Financial Accounting on the school time-table on students’ academic performance.
iii.                                      Determine the effect of the usage of instructional materials in Book-Keeping and Financial Accounting on students’ academic performance.
iv.                                      Identify ways of correcting the negative effect of the factors responsible for students’ poor academic performance in Book-Keeping and Financial Accounting.  
1.4     Significance of the Study
This study will be important to many Nations like Nigeria, which intend to achieve economic development through formal education.
This research study would be of special benefit to educational planners in identifying the various factors, which will relate positively to academic performance.
The finding of the study will put the government on a sound footing in grasping with the problems of implementing the Book-keeping and Financial Accounting. It will also help to find out if teacher’s job satisfaction will enhance teaching activities that are directed towards students’ performance.
Furthermore, the finding of the study would benefit educational counselors who need to understand that the child is a part of an environment and the motivational assistance which provided help to influence learning outcomes.
Finally, the study will guide the Ministry of Education and parent teacher association (PTA) in their provision and distribution of instructional materials.
1.5     Limitation of the Study
This research study was not able to cover all the schools in Lagos state due to time, distance and financial constraints.
Therefore, only six schools were used and it is hoped that the information collected were sufficient enough to generalize on the research.
1.6     Delimitation of the Study
To delimit this study, there is need for adequate funding and time. Government should provide adequate financial assistance to students who are interested in making research education more attractive.
1.7     Research Questions
The situation in Epe Education District in Lagos State Secondary schools, as it affects student’s performance either positive or negative in Book keeping and account can be found out throujhg the use of these research questions:
i.       Does the professional background of the account teacher have influence on the students performance in the subject?
ii.     Would the time allocated to account on the school time table affect student’s performance in the subject?
iii.  Would the use of instructional materials enhance the performance of students in account?
iv.  Does a conducive environment have impact on student performance in account.
v.     What are the possible ways of correcting the negative effect of the factors responsible for poor performance in Book-Keeping AND Accounting in Secondary Schools.
1.8     Research Hypotheses
1.     There is no significant difference between the professional background between the time allocated for account on the school time table and the performance of the students in the subject?
2.     There is no significant different difference between the time allocated for account on the school time table and the performance of the students in the subjects.
3.     There is no significant difference between the use of instructional materials and the performance of students in account.
1.9     Definition of Terms
ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: This refer to the cognitive achievement of       students as          reflected in the number of distribution credit , passes and failure     in eacharea as obtained in  their senior secondary certificate      examination.
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING: This is the process of recording, classifying,       selecting, measuring, interpreting and communicating financial data of an      organization to enable users make assessments and decision. It is a       discipline which comprises a set of theories and concepts for processing financial data into information.
SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL: Is the education received after the primary and    junior          secondary school level of education.
VOCATIONAL SUBJECT:    Vocational education is education that prepares people to work in various jobs, such as a trade, a craft, or as atechnician. Vocational education is sometimes referred to ascareer education or technical education


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