Research Access

Friday, June 29, 2018





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__________________                                                  __________________ EXTERNAL SUPERVISOR                                                     DATE



Class attendance is no doubt very important in the classroom administration by teachers and on the other hand student academic performance..  It is however rather unfortunate that  most teachers and school despite administering class attendance do not really note the extent of importance of class attendance  as a result this project tends to weigh and identify the extent to which class attendance has affected students performance in Busieness education in various secondary schools across the state, the reaserach focused on the teacher and students by administering questionnaire to them separately in order to get their view which in turn became a basis for testing hypotheses. On the other hand secondary data was also collected from the Education district office at Falomo in Ikoyi to describe the extent of the significance of Class attendance  while the chi square test was used to test hypotheses.

Title Page ……………………………………………………………………….
Certification ………………………………………………………………..
Dedication ………………………………………………………………….
Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………..
Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………
1.0            CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
1.1     Background to the Study………………………………………………
1.2     Statement of Problem ……………………………………………………
1.3     Purpose of the Study …………………………………………………….
1.4     Research Question ………………………………………………………
1.5     Research Hypotheses ……………………………………………………
1.6     Scope of the Study ……………………………………………………..
1.7     Significance of the Study ………………………………………………..
1.8     Operational Definition of Term ………………………………………….
2.0     CHAPTER TWO: Review of Related Literature
2.1     Empirical Literature on Class Attendance ……………………………
2.1.1 Standardize test Scores ……………………………………………….
2.1.2  Student Grade ………………………………………………………..
2.2     Factors Influencing Class Attendance ………………………………… 
2.2.1  Attitudes to School ……………………………………………………
2.2.2  Relationships with Teachers ………………………………………….
2.2.3  Relationships with Peers ………………………………………………
2.2.4  Academic Self-rating …………………………………………………
2.2.5  Parental Involvement ………………………………………………….
2.2.6  Students Identity ……………………………………………………….
2.3     Meaning and Definition of Absenteeism and Truancy …………………
2.4     Causes of Absenteeism and Truancy in Secondary Schools …………….
2.4.1  Home as a Causative Agent of Truancy ………………………………..
2.4.2  School as a Causative Factors of Truancy …………………………….
2.4.3  Society as a Factor for Truancy ……………………………………..
2.5     Causes of Down Slope Movement of Class Attendance in Nigeria……
3.0     CHAPTER THREE: Research Methods
3.1     Research Design …………………………………………………..
3.2     Population of the Study …………………………………………….
3.3     Sample and Sampling Technique ………………………………….
3.4     Research Instrument and Instrument ………………………………
3.5     validity of the Instrument ………………………………………….
3.6     Reliability of the Instrument ………………………………………
3.7     Administration of the Data Analysis………………………………
3.8     Method of the Data Analysis…………………………………………. 
4.0        CHAPTER FOUR: Results and Discussion


1.0     Background of the Study
          A school is set-up for the main purpose of bringing student’s from different families together under one roof i.e a classroom. Effective teaching and learning cannot take place without the coming together of the teachers and the learners/students. In other to check student’s commitment to receiving of instruction from the teachers, an administrative record is designed and used on daily basis i.e the attendance register.
          The attendance register is therefore defined as a book that records the daily physical presence of the students in school/classes. Good(2010) explained further that attendance at schools is not merely being bodily present but including active participation in the work and activities of the school. Attendance can be divided into two extremes of being “ a mere appearance of the students at school” and “ the student present during the whole day though some student’s may truly be at the assembly during the collective worship period and leave school before the closing hour after the row might have been called in the morning. In some cases, some of these students may truly be in school but rather engage themselves in illegal activities such as sleeping, reading negatively motivated novels, playing with electronics device (handset) and going to the field to play games among others (Roger 2013).
          Attendance is kept by the form teacher to supervise the day to day commitment of the student in school and also supervised on weekly basis by the school head. The attendance register is also supervised on term or annual basis by the supervisors from the ministry of education and other professionals particularly in education on unscheduled visits, parents also used the attendance register to supervise the movement of their children occasionally.
          The attendance register is mostly concerned with school/class attendance. Dedicated teachers also take student’s to ascertain the number of students who received their lesson.
          Typerman (2009 cited in Fagne,2012) identified two types of attendance as regular attendance and irregular attendance. According to the author, regular attendance is a characterized as being present, punctual and been involved in the activities of the school, the regular students will always come to school except for some certain circumstances beyond their control which may probably be sickness, death or accident which are regarded as legal absenteeism in the dictionary of education. On the other hand, irregular attendance for whatever causes is a distress call. It can therefore be described as a deliberate absenteeism of oneself from school for no just cause.(Good 2010) further described irregular attendance as a failure of the students to be physically present in the school for reasons that are not recognized by the school authority as legitimate. This may be in be form of absence, truancy, illegal works such as being on the family’s farm or being compelled by their mothers to stay at home to take care of babies.
          Hence attendance is an important administrative record, used by parents and school authority to monitor, control and supervise student’s activities in schools. A student that is not regular, in school, faces learning problems resulting from the late coming to school, inability to read and not consulting with the teacher (Onomuodeke 2012).
          School and home factors affect student’s attendance. The social status and educational level of parents influence school attendance, geographical location of school, students attitude towards school and subject, inadequate supervision of student activities by teachers, and parents poor teaching methods, lack of facilities affect student’s school attendance (Oghuvbu 2011) students developed negative attitude towards school leavers, repetition of class and insecurity.
 Some other factors were also notified as the age of student, family commitment as regard jobs, working hours and family health factors, but students with greater motive without conflict of interest are more regular in school (ChiniMochi 2013).
          On the importance of attendance register Nwadiani (2009) stated that school head and teachers should have accurate information of all the activities in the school have accurate information of all the activities in the school for effective and easy decision-making, aids educational grant procurement and also to satisfy legal requirement and continuous assessment.
          This introduction serves to wet our appetite regarding the issue of class attendance and academic performance of students in business studies and as we delve into the topic, further problems are explained in full detail.
1.2     Statement of the Problem
          Many researchers have investigated series of administrative problems affecting student’s academic performance, some identified factors including poor instructional quality, student’s negative attitude to school work, overcrowded classroom, poorfacilities in school (Oghuvbu 2009). From the experience of the

researcher, student attendance is low in some educational development area in IkosiEjinrin Local government schools. Teachers are in school, while most learners are at home. During examination period, there is 100% attendance in school. Examination oriented student’s attendance by nature depends on the knowledge of the regular attendance.Students entering examination hall with prepared materials which are types of examination malpractice.
          According to Hergrove (2010) and words 2009 cited in Iyamu and Obumu (2011) the problem of class attendance and performance has been identified in school. They in clued academic under achievement, which increases costs wastage  difficulty in making friends which could lead to boredom, loss of confidence and engagement in premature sexual activities which could lead to pregnancy resulting in drop-out and stress among young careers. The society suffers as the children of school age hang around in the streets intimidating other people and stealing properties of those who are in school or other places of work (Davidson et al 2014). Attendance called also result into poor academic performance, loss of friends and partners, disruptive in class when absentees return to school, difficulty in keeping accurate records, reduces ability to meet instructional target and damaged school reputation (Oghubu 2011).
          This unscientific performance calls to mind certain questions. Does attendance in school and at lesson has no influence on student’s academic performance? What is the correlation between attendance and academic performance of student in secondary school in Lagos state Nigeria?
1.3     Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to:
Investigate the impact of class attendance on student’s academic performance in business studies.
The specific purposes of the study are:
       I.            To examine the relationship between class attendance and academic performance of student’s in business studies.
    II.            To check the level of regularity among business studies student’s.
 III.            To determine the roles of punctuality and absenteeism on academic performance of student’s in business studies.
IV.            To identify the causes of absenteeism in secondary schools in Nigeria, with a special emphasis on IkosiEjinrin local council development Area of Lagos State.
1.4     Research Questions
The following research questions were formulated.
       I.            What are the effects of class attendance on student’s academic performance in business studies?
    II.            How often do students attend business studies class?
 III.            Has the increase or decrease of punctuality affected student’s academic performance in business studies?
IV.            What are causes of absenteeism of business studies student’s in secondary school?
1.5     Research Hypothesis
The hypothesis for this research work was formulated as follows:
Ho1    There is no significant relationship between student’s academic performance in business studies and class attendance
Ho2    There is no significant relationship between the frequency of student’s regularity and academic performance in business studies
Ho3    There is no significant relationship between punctuality and student’s performance in business studies.
Ho4    There is no significant relationship between absenteeism and student’s academic performance and business studies
1.6     Scope of the Study
          This research work focuses on the impact of class attendance on student’s academic performance in business studies in IkosiEjinrin Local Government educational Development area of Lagos state as a case study. However, five secondary schools (one private and four Public secondary schools) were selected and used namely:
1.     Agbowa Community Senior Grammar School
2.     Lagos State Model College Agbowa
3.     Ajebo High School Ajebo
4.     Ota Ikosi Community Grammar School
5.     Baptist Model High School Agbowa
However the facts as per data collected from these schools are explicity analyzed in chapter four.
1.7     Significance of the Study
The following groups will benefit from the study; students, parents, teachers, researcher and ministry of education of Lagos state and the country at large.
          This study will aid the students in knowing the importance of class attendance and how it can positively affect their academic performance in business studies.
          The study will also expose the parents to how often their wards attend school and to supervise them occasionally.
          Furthermore, this study will be relevant to teachers in monitoring the attendance register and in ensuring that a good class attendance is been kept and maintained by students in other to foster a better performance in their course of study.
          Through this study, researchers will be able to extract relevant information on the statistical data class attendance and how it will improve the academic performance of student’s in business studies.
          Moreover, this study will provide relevant information to supervisor from the ministry of education and other professionals particularly in education about rate of class attendance and it effects on student’s academic performance in business studies.
1.8     Operational Definition of Terms
Class Attendance:Is an attendance used in checking the daily commitment of student’s towards classes. Class attendance register is a book that shows the number of time students attend class and also show physical presence of the students in school or classes.
Academic Performance:Is the outcome of education the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved his or her educational goals. Also, people believe that academic performance generally refers to how well a student is accomplishing his or her tasks and studies. Academic performance is commonly measured by examination or continuous assessment but there is no general agreement on how it best tested or which aspect is most important.
Secondary School:Is a school that is intermediate in level between elementary school and college which usually offer, general technical vocational a college preparatory curricular (‘also high school”) is a term used to describe an educational institution where there final stage of schooling, known as secondary education and usually compulsory upto specified age, takes place. It follows elementary or primary education, and may be followed by university (tertiary) educations.
Business Studies:Is an academic subject that is taught at higher level in many countries and it combines the elements of accounting, finance, marketing and organizational studies and economics. It is a dynamic course which prepares students for the challenges of the 21st century by introducing them to the world of business. Business studies Is the study of how business operate, it may be pursued at the undergraduate and post graduate levels, and occasionally even in secondary education. Generally business studies involved theoretical, and perhaps also practical, course work in how to manage a company, construct a business model and generally run a business. They may also involve the study of accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, marketing and or supply chain management.

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