Research Access

Tuesday, June 26, 2018




                           MATRIC NO: EKSU/EPE/12/0070


                                                   DECEMBER 2017
This is to certify that this project was carried out under my supervision by Idowu Christiana Oluwatosin with Matric number EKSU/EPE/12/0070 and has been approved as meeting the requirement of the faculty of education, Department of Accounting education, Ekiti state university, Ado Ekiti Nigeria.

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Mr. Olugbemi P.W                                                                           Date

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 Mr. Adebosin W.G                                                                         Date
 Head of department

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Dr. O.A. Viatonu                                                                                       Date
Directorate of Degree Programme                                        

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External Examiner                                                                          Date

This research work is dedicated to my father in heaven, God Almighty, the author and finisher of our faith whom by his grace foreknew predestined and made this work a success and for seeing me through my Academics years. And to my parents, Mr and Mrs Idowu and my siblings.

My profound gratitude goes to God Almighty, the creator of all mankind for his mercies towards me from the beginning of the academic programme to the end and for a successful project well done.
My immense regards goes to my honorable supervisor, a great father, a wonderful lecturer and a friend indeed, Mr P.W Olugbemi who despite all the stress and tight schedules made time to go through my work with all mistakes and corrected the work to the end. I pray that the lord will richly reward you in double folds according to his riches in glory.
My sincere gratitude goes to my loving and ever caring parents, Mr and Mrs Idowu who were there for me morally, financially and spiritually due to their love and desire for education. I couldn’t have asked God for more because they are all I ever need. I pray that God prolong their lives to eat the fruit of their labour.
My special and profound gratitude goes to my lovely siblings, Mr Idowu Oluwasegun, Mrs Adeshile Abimbola, Idowu Oluwafemi and Idowu Ayomide for their supports financially and their words of advice. I say a big thanks, I pray that God provide all your needs.
My regards also goes to my worthy and amiable lecturers who in their own way brought me this far, Mr Adebosin, Mr Adeyemi, Mr Oluwo, Mr Ayanwole and Mr Oyewole for their immeasurable impact of knowledge and wisdom in my life. I will forever remain grateful to you all.
Special thanks to Mr Gabriel Ayodeji Morgan and Comr Ajewole Samson for their love, care and support both financially and morally on my education. I pray God
continue to increase you.
Many thanks to my course mates especially Adebiyi Latifat, you are really a friend indeed not leaving behind Bunmi, damilola, Mary and to whom I could not list for your presence in my life and for the roles you all played, am indeed grateful.
I also appreciate the effort of Omotoprecious Ventures in the type setting of this work.
I also want to appreciate my shepherd, Mr Adeniyi Adewole and the entire members of Central Parish, Noforija for their prayers. I pray that God will continue to bless and uphold the church.          

Financial Record keeping is one of the important pre-requisites for successful enterprise such as the schools programme for enterprise, However, the adequate and up to date keeping of these records in school settings is an age long issue. Hence this study investigated the impact of effective financial records keeping in some selected public and private secondary schools in Epe and Lagos Island Local Government. Ten private secondary schools in Epe were selected for the purpose of this study. The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire on impact of financial records on the success of private secondary school administration. The data obtained were analyzed using frequency count simple percentage and chi-square analysis. The results obtained from the study show that most of the respondents claimed that most of the checklists of financial records were not available in their schools; records kept were used to determine progress in the school and that lack of financial records may lead to lack of school expansion. This means that records kept were used to determine progress in the school and more respondents strongly agreed and agreed than those who strongly disagree and disagreed that there is significance relationship between record keeping and success made by private secondary school. It can be deduced from the finding that, teachers should acquire knowledge on modern methods of financial record keeping which are made available through modern information technology. Records should be kept honestly, accurately, safely and confidentially, planning done with falsified records cannot be accurate and this will not augur well for the nation’s educational development. Finally, the manager and the school or the administrators should provide facilities that are required for record keeping; such as: record books, files, audio and visual equipment among others, should be provided in sufficient quantity. Besides, the storage facilities which will enhance safety to the records from theft, mutilation, destruction and accessibility to unauthorized persons should be provided and additional studies should be conducted to determine the impact of financial records on the success of private secondary school.

                                       TABLE OF CONTENT
Title page
Table of content
1.1   Background Of The Study                                                                    1       
1.2   Statement Of Problem                                                                           6
1.3   Purpose Of The Study                                                                          6
1.4   Research Question                                                                                7
1.5   Research Hypothesis                                                                                      7
1.6   Significance Of The Study                                                                    8
1.7   Scope and Limitation        of the Study                                                                   9       
1.8   Definition of Terms                                                                              9       
2.1 Introduction                                                                                         10
2.2 Objectives of starting a school                                                              12
2.3 Finance                                                                                                           13
2.4 sources of Finance                                                                                16
2.5 Challenges of private schools                                                               23
2.6 Problems facing Private schools                                                           26
2.7 Possible Solution to Private Schools problems                                              27                        
3.1 Research Design                                                                                   28
3.2 Population of the Study                                                                       28
3.3 sample and Sampling Techniques                                                                  28
3.4 Research Instrument                                                                                      29
3.5 Validity and Reliability of instrument                                                  29
3.6 Administration of the Instrument                                                                   29
3.7 Method of Data Analysis                                                                      30                                  
4.1 Result                                                                                                   31
4.2 Discussion of Result                                                                                      34

5.1 Summary                                                                                              45
5.2 Conclusions                                                                                          46
5.3 Recommendations                                                                                46                                           
REFERENCE                                                                                             48
APPENDIX I                                                                                              50
APPENDIX II                                                                                            56
APPENDIX III                                                                                           61

                                                          CHAPTER ONE
1.1     Background to the Study
Many new business owners are daunted by the mere idea of bookkeeping and accounting. But in reality, both are pretty simple. Keep in mind those bookkeeping and accounting share two basic goals: to keep track of income and expenses, which improves chances of making a profit, and to collect the financial information necessary for filing various tax returns. There is no requirement that records be kept in any particular way. As long as records accurately reflect the business’s income and expenses, there is a requirement, however, that some businesses use a certain method of crediting their accounts: the cash method or accrual method. Depending on the size of the business and amount of sales, one can create own ledgers and reports, or rely on accounting (Williams et al 1999). An accounting system records, retains and reproduces financial information relating to financial transaction flows and financial position. Financial transaction flows encompass primarily inflows on account of incomes and outflows on account of expenses. Elements of financial position, including property, money received, or money spent, are assigned to one of the primary groups, that is, assets, liabilities, and equity. Within these primary groups each distinctive asset, liability, income and expense is represented by respective “account”. An account is simply a record of financial inflows and outflows in relation to the respective asset, liability, income or expense. Income and expense accounts are considered temporary accounts, since they represent only the inflows and outflows absorbed in the financial-position elements on completion of the time period (Williams et al, 2008). The impact of accounting is a function of the benefit that are derived by the members of the society who had bind themselves into the social organization of their survival and want satisfaction quest (Anyigbo 1999). Business benefit from availability of accounting information, equality important is the availability of accounting that facilitates the solution or resolution of business planning, organization and control function of the enterprises as a social organization. Most small scale firm owners prefer to recruit unskilled personnel especially clerical and accounting staff. The product of these unskilled accounting (clerical staff) has only succeeded in helping the small scale firms to stagnate; some firms have even wound up. This was because unskilled accounting staff could not keep reliable accounting records that would stand the test of time statutory; such staff could not correctly determined the profit or loss of the firm preparing profit and loss account. Okwena K. D.,Okioma T. and Erick N. O. (2010)
          The success of any private or public organization depends largely on the proprietor’s ability to manage available funds to provide needed resources for the success of the organization, records of funds i.e. income and expenditure are kept in order to achieve this purpose. Historically, there is no accurate record as to when account started but available information suggests that record keeping is as old as man. Retrospectively, the starting point can be linked to the Babylonians and Assyrians civilization about 4000 years B.C the modus operandi for keeping records at the time was to marks on the wall or stone or wax tablets. The critical event in accounting in accounting was the introduction of double entry book system in Italy described as “Italian method”. He opined that all entries must have double entry system one debt and one credit. Even though during this period the records were prepared to show statement of the business rather than the owner but the yearly preparation of the still lacking. The imperative of business records cannot be overemphasized. Every serious school administrators must as a matter of fact be able to maintain proper records of his or her transactions. Proper book keeping is important to sustaining and expanding a school. Without it, the schools run the risk of hitting cash flow crunches, wasting money, and missing out on opportunities to expand his business. When proper records of your school transactions, you were properly positioned to carry out proper business evaluation and see how your school is fairing. Ademola et al (2012). The purpose of book keeping is to help manage the school and also to enable tax agencies to evaluate the business activity of the school. As long as book keeping achieves both of these objectives, the school is in the right direction. Financial records are important because it prevents theft and keeps things organized.. Effective and efficient record keeping practices secures the schools against embezzlement and dishonest employees. Additionally, tracking the transfer of money is important so that the wise school owners can know who received money, how much they currently have or if there are any inconsistency that needs to be investigated or corrected. Keeping accurate records is highly fundamental for a successful school to stay organized. Every business needs a Revenue or Expense Journal or a Ledger to keep track of how much money is going out, where it is going, and what is coming in. A Revenue and Expense Journal is used by most small businesses and is single-entry accounting - recording receipts and expenditures only. A ledger is used to record every transaction twice based on the idea that each transaction has two halves that affect the business. The cash spent in the schools needs to be accounted for all expenses in a given year, this will enable the school bursary department to calculate how profitable the school has been over the year. There are at least two ways to do this; by write reimbursable checks and Keeping a petty cash record. The National Policy on Education (2016) recognizes the fact education should be a shared responsibility between the government and the private individual. Based on this fact private and public secondary schools have a legal backing. It is however important to say that their operation are too supervised by the ministry of education which provide guidelines and registering public and private schools. The major service rendered by these schools is providing education to willing individuals who can meet their terms and conditions in terms of school fees and other contributions. It has been observed that many of these schools are not registered and therefore do not meet the required standard. A school can be established in partnership with two or more people for the success of the school. They both contribute money to finance the school and make decision on how the recourses should be utilized. The proprietor/government may fulfill his objectives of starting a school with provision of finance or capital not only to start the school but also to expend and sustain the school. He needs money to but furnish such as chair, desk, teacher’s table and chair, rent or build a house, pay teachers salaries and pursue the process of registering the school. It is possible for the founder to raise money from the following source; Borrowing from friends and relatives, cooperatives, trade credits The sustainability of private schools can be by keeping to beneficial ideas that can promote it as a school concern such as ensuring productive utilization of funds, keeping up to date records on the school activities: According to Atijosan (1998), there is need for the school to record its financial transaction, do the proper internal and external auditing of the schools account and balance its account periodically, providing financial reports to books and other financial lenders to the school in order to render their valuable advice to it, this would ramose confidence in both the proprietors, the Government and all financial supporters of the school and in turn promote the growth and development of the school significantly.
1.2     Statement of the Problem
          All private and public schools dealing with money are expected to maintain adequate records of incomes and expenses. Experience has shown that, though many of the existing private and public schools issue receipts for all payments made by the parents for their wards. Other records like cash book, Ledger book are seldom in some of such school; and where these records are available, they are scantly updated. Hence, this call for preliminary investigation into how these schools operate financial record keeping for their academic and non academic programmes.
          This study is therefore out to investigate into the impact and effectiveness of financial records keeping in some selected public and private schools.
1.3     Purpose of the Study
          The study is out to achieve the following objectives:
       i.            To determine if private and public secondary schools keep financial records.
     ii.            To determine if such records are adequate and well kept.
  iii.            To determine the relationship between well and adequately kept financial records and the success of the public and secondary schools.
1.4     Research Questions
The following research questions are to be provided with answer in the study:
1.     Do private and public schools keep any financial records at all?
2.     Are the records kept used for any information to determine progress in the school?
3.     Is there any significant relationship between records keeping and success made by private and public schools?
4.     To what extent do these records help in yearly budgeting of these schools?
5.     Are there any correcting measures for updating those records?
1.5    Research Hypotheses
HO1: Null hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference between financial record          keeping in public and private secondary school. 
Ha1: Alternate hypothesis (Ha): There is significant difference between the financial  record keeping in public and private secondary schools.
Ho2: Null hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference between record keeping and          success made in public and private secondary school.
Ha2: Alternate hypothesis (Ha): There is significant difference between record keeping in          success made in public and private secondary schools.
Ho3: Null hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference between yearly budgeting of          public and private secondary schools and their success.
Ha3: Alternate hypothesis (Ha): There is significant difference between yearly budgeting     of public and private secondary schools and their success.
Ho4: Null hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference between the record kept for          information purpose and the progress of public and private secondary schools.
Ha4: Alternate hypothesis (Ha): There is significant difference between the record kept       for information purpose and the progress of public and private secondary schools.
1.6     Significant of the Study
          The study is significant in the following areas:
1.     It could be beneficial to private and public secondary schools owners. The result of the finding could be used to improve how records are kept, thereby using the records to track income and expenditure to determine development and where there is need for improvement.
2.     The research project will serve as a reliable source of information to students and researchers.
1.7     Limitation of the Study
          This research work is limited to Epe and Lagos Island local Government private and public secondary schools because certain constraints were working against it. It could have covered more local government. Money and time are some of the factors that limited the work to two local governments only.
1.8     Definition of Terms 
The following terms shall be defined as stated for the purpose of this study:
Financial Records: this is the act of recording the transactions of a business in monetary          terms. It is also the science and act of correctly recording in the books all those business transactions that result in the transfer of money’s worth within or between       entries.
Accounting: This is the process of recording; classifying, selecting, measuring, interpreting and communicating financial data of an organization to enable users make assessments and decision. It is a discipline which comprises a set of theories and concepts for processing financial data into information. Accounting records in  monetary terms in the flow of economic value within or between economic entities.
School Records: This serve as a bank in which information is deposited and kept with the hope of retrieving and utilizing in the future. It provides raw data which can be used by officials of education ministries for planning purpose.
Private Secondary school: This is known as independent secondary schools, are not administered by local, state or national government. It is founded, conducted and          maintained by a private group rather than by the government.
Public Secondary school: This is known as government owned school which are          administered by local, state or national government. It is founded, conducted and          maintained by the government.
Administration: The activities that relate to running a school or other organization.


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